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목록입트영다시듣기 (78)
젤리군의 관심사

[입트영] 2022년 7월 14일 Key Expressions Clenching One's Teeth ▶ Key Expressions have a habit of ~하는 습관이 있다 Many people have a habit of clenching their teeth without even realizing it 자신도 모르게 without even realizing it. 20% of the population is said to have this habit widespread issue 흔한 문제 so it seems to be a widespread issue. molars 어금니 the top and bottom molars should maintain a dinstance of 2~3mm. ..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 13일 Key Expressions My Daughter's Wedding ▶ Key Expressions ordinary office-goer 평범한 직장인 I am an ordinary office-goer with a 31-year-old son and a 29-year-old daughter. in the trick of ~이 한창인 와중에 On January 9th of this year, in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic, my daughter tied the knot. tie the knot 결혼하다 a trying situation 어려운 상황 It was a trying situation in many ways son-in..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 12일 Key Expressions The Joy of Transcribing 필사의 즐거움 ▶ Key Expressions get into ~에 심취하다 I have recently gotten into transcribing text using a fountain pen. be spellbound by ~에 매료되다 I am spellbound by the colorful inks, scratch against ~을 긁다 the sound of the pen scratching against paper. early in the morning 아침 이른 시간에 Early in the morning, I usually transcribe famous quotes or pearl..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 11일 Key Expressions Getting to Know Myself 내 자신을 알아 가는 것 ▶ Key Expressions more than ever 그 어느 때보다 More than ever, people these days seem to want to gain a better understanding of themselves. gain a better understanding of ~을 잘 이해하다 exam results 검사 결과 People often ask each other about their exam results. get to know 이해하게 되다 The desire to get to know oneself is becoming a prevailin..