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목록입트영다시듣기 (78)
젤리군의 관심사

[입트영] 2022년 7월 28일 Key Expressions Waking Up Early for English Study Groups ▶ Key Expressions place a strong emphasis on ~을 강조하다 Many so-called life coach influencers place a strong emphasis on waking up early. early riser 일찍 기상하는 사람 I had always wanted to be an early riser, find the motivation 동기를 찾아 but I hadn't been able to find the motivation. recruit members 멤버를 모집하다 I started recruiting me..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 27일 Key Expressions The Qualities of a Good Webtoon ▶ Key Expressions have a few things in common 몇 가지 공통점이 있다 The webtoons I like have a few things in common. drop clues 단서를 흘리다 First, they drop clues that foreshadow what's to come. foreshadow what's to come 앞으로 벌어질 일을 암시하다 come true 현실이 되다 something a fortuneteller says early on comes true later on. have a great time 즐거운 시간을 보내다..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 26일 Key Expressions Home Renovations ▶ Key Expressions office life 직장 생활 After sixteen years of office life, I finally became a homeowner. become a homeowner 내 집 마련을 하다 plan a move 이사를 계획하다 While planning the move, I learned that the house we would be moving into was renovated 10 years ago. move into ~에 입주하다 remodel a house 집을 리모델링하다 My husband and I decided to remodel the house e..

[입트영] 2022년 7월 25일 Key Expressions Serious Accidents Punishment Act ▶ Key Expressions OECD member nation OECD 회원국 Among OECD member nations, Korea has a high death rate from industrial accidents. high death rate 높은 사망률 fatal industrial accident 산업 재해 사망 사고 Fatal industrial accidents keep occurring, and they've become a major social issue. major social issue 중대한 사회적 문제 place the burden of respons..