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목록입트영스크립트 (79)
젤리군의 관심사
[입트영] 2022년 4월 18일 Key Expressions Living in a New Town 신도시에 사는 것 ▶ Key Expressions planned city 계획 도시 New towns are planned cities that are planned out from the earliest stages. Built as a planned city in the 17th century, The city of Buffalo is the best planned city from the earliest stages 가장 초기 단계부터 just from the earliest stages of development and are ready to learn anything, From the earlie..
[입트영] 2022년 4월 12일 Key Expressions Living in Beijing 베이징 살이 ▶ Key Expressions be assigned to an overseas office 해외 지사로 발령을 받다 my husband was assigned to an overseas office of his company in Beijing. be hard at work 한창 열심히 업무 중이다 I was hard at work at a job of my own at the time our team is already hard at work on the next stories to come. has been hard at work making sure that all lines of catch..
[입트영] 2022년 4월 11일 Key Expressions The Importance of One's Mindset 마음가짐의 중요성 ▶ Key Expressions overthink things 생각을 너무 많이 하다 I tend to overthink things. we overthink things when it comes to stuff like this, they probably get jealous and overthink things as well. be outweighed by ~에 비해 적다 my positive thoughts are outweighed by various concerns. developing secondary cancers is outweighed by the po..
[입트영] 2022년 4월 8일 Key Expressions COVID-19 Self-Test 코로나19 자가 검진 키트 ▶ Key Expressions the omicron variant 오미크론 변이종 After the omicron variant of the coronavirus became the dominant strain dominant strain 우세종 a spike in ~의 급증 there was a spike in the number of confirmed cases in Korea. If I see a spike in homicides this will cause a spike in the numbers because we had a spike in crime cause a spik..