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목록입트영다시듣기 (78)
젤리군의 관심사

[입트영] 2022년 6월 13일 Key Expressions Requesting Topics on "입트영" 입트영에 주제 신청하기 ▶ Key Expressions be comprised of ~로 구성되다 The study texts for "입트영" are comprised of topics be requested by ~이 신청되다 hat are requested by the listeners. write in with (방송 등에) ~을 써서 보내다 I wanted to write in with something I wrote. give it a try 시도해 보다 But I never even gave it a try. submit a request 신청을 접수하다, 신청을 하다 I had t..

[입트영] 2022년 6월 10일 Key Expressions My Friend's Emigration to the US 미국으로 이사 가는 친구 ▶ Key Expressions be like family 가족과도 같다 I have a friend who has been like family for six years. play date 아이들 놀이 데이트 At first, we usually met for play dates close pals 서로 친한 친구 our husbands eventually became close pals as well. grow close 사이가 돈독해지다 We really grew close, congratulating each other's happy occasions ..

[입트영] 2022년 6월 9일 Key Expressions Domestic Arguments 부부싸움 ▶ Key Expressions tie the knot 결혼하다 It has been 30 years since my husband and I tied the knot domestic spat 부부싸움, 집안싸움 we have not had a single domestic spat. list one's grievances 불만 사항을 토로하다 I listed all my grievances to my husband. have one's say 할말을 하다 He listened quietly until I had had my say. go over 짚다, 다루다 He went over each thing..

[입트영] 2022년 6월 8일 Key Expressions Mom's English Pronunciation 엄마의 영어 발음 ▶ Key Expressions since one was little 어린 시절부터 I have read English books since I was little, so speaking English comes naturally to me. come naturally to ~에게 쉽게 느껴지다 only recently 최근 들어서야 But my mom started reciting English only recently, struggle with ~에 힘들어하다 she struggles with certain difficult sounds. take ages 시간이 매우 오래..