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[입트영] 2022년 5월 25일 Key Expressions 본문
[입트영] 2022년 5월 25일 Key Expressions
Beethoven 베토벤
▶ Key Expressions
widely performed 널리 공연되는
Beethoven's <Symphony No.9 in D minor, 'Choral'> is one of the most widely performed works of music in the entire world.
works of music 음악 작품
celebrated name 널리 찬사를 받는 이름[사람]
'Beethoven' is such a celebrated name that people sometimes take his music for granted.
take something for granted ~을 당연하게 생각하다[받아들이다]
never give up on ~을 절대 포기하지 않다
Beethoven never gave up on his music despite an acquired hearing disability.
acquired hearing disability 후천적 청각 장애
blow someone's mind ~를 크게 놀라게 하다
It blew my mind when I learned that his <Choral Symphony> was completed after he completely lost his sense of hearing.
sense of hearing 청각
a critical blow 치명타
Beethoven's ear affliction could have been a critical blow for a composer.
fighting spirit 굳건한 의지
he left us so many beautiful musical works through his fighting spirit.
find comfort and strength 위로와 힘을 얻다
people find comfort and strength in his music.
deeply thankful 깊이 감사하는
For this, I am deeply thankful.
'[자기개발후기] > 01.영어단어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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