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목록[자기개발후기]/08.Easy English (11)
젤리군의 관심사

[Easy English] 2022년 11월 21일 It's a 40-minute drive from here. 여기서 차로 40분 걸리는 거리야. TY I can't believe we're here in Slovenia! Dave Actually, Slovenia has been on my travel list for a long time. TY Where should we start? Dave Let's walk around the capital today. *슬로베니아 수도 류블랴나(Ljubljana) TY Alright. And we shouldn't miss the beautiful Lake Bled. Dave How far is that? TY It says it's a..

[Easy English] 2022년 11월 17일 I'll get right on it. 바로 시작할게요. Yoon Have you ever done this kind of work before? I mean making content for social media. *Have you ever+과거분사 ~해 본적 있나요? * content 내용물, 목차, 내용 *contents of the box /book/container (책의내용, 박스나 용기 내용물) Greg No, but I think I can do that. Yoon Cool. Then let's make a sample first. *pilot program TV드라마 테스트로 제작된 것. Greg I'll get right ..

[Easy English] 2022년 11월 16일 I'm texting him now Yoon I need a designer who can help me out. Any recommendaions? Arman How about Greg? He's quite good. *It's quite good. 꽤 괜찮네(사물) Yoon Then can you please set up a meeting with him? *set up a meeting for this Wednesday. 이번주 수요일에 회의를 잡다. Arman Sure thing. I'm texting him now. Yoon Let me know what he says. Arman You owe me a coffee if this work..