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[입트영] 2022년 6월 24일 Key Expressions 본문
[입트영] 2022년 6월 24일 Key Expressions
Vision Correction Surgery 시력교정술
▶ Key Expressions
have poor vision 시력이 나쁘다
I have had poor vision and had to wear glasses ever since I was a kid.
grope around for 더듬거리며 찾다
I need to grope around for my glasses as soon as I wake up in the morning.
as soon as one wakes up in the morning 아침에 일어나자마자
get in the way 걸리적거리다
It really gets in the way, including when I exercise or go to the sauna.
consult with ~의 상담을 받다
So, I consulted with an eye doctor about getting vision correction surgery.
be out of the question 가능한 고려 대상이 아니다
My corneas are thin, so these surgeries were out of the quetion for me.
as an alternative 대안으로
As an alternative, I was told I could receive intraocular lens implants,
intraocular lens implant 안내 렌즈 삽입
hesitant at first 처음에는 망설이는
which is a procedure where lenses are inserted into the eyes.
undergo the procedure 시술을 받다
I was a little scared and hesitant at first, but in the end, I underwent the procesure.
cast off 벗어 던지다
I was able to cast off the glasses I'd worn for 25 years.
keen eyesight 좋은 시력
I have maintained my keen eyesight, without any side effects.
'[자기개발후기] > 01.영어단어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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