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[입트영] 2022년 6월 17일 Key Expressions 본문
[입트영] 2022년 6월 17일 Key Expressions
Atopic Dermatitis 아토피성 피부염
▶ Key Expressions
eczema 피부염, 습진
I always knew eczema was a distressing affiction
distressing affiction 괴로운 질환
have nothing to do with ~와 전혀 상관없다
I thought it had nothing to do with me.
be diagnosed with ~으로 진단을 받다
my 3-month-old baby was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis.
skin irritation 피부염
Atopic dermatitis is a type of skin irritation with an unknown cause.
an unknown cause 알 수 없는 원인
allergic reaction 알레르기 반응
It most often occurs as an allergic reaction of the skin
major symptoms 주요 증상
major symptoms include rashes and itchiness.
rashes and itchiness 발진과 가려움
cause all sorts of problems 여러 문제를 야기하다
This itchiness can cause all sorts of problems for eczema patients
sleep loss 수면 부족
including sleep loss and secondary infections.
secondary infection 2차 감염
feel self-conscious 주변의 시선을 의식하다
People often feel self-conscious when their skin turns red, which can be very stressful.
take medication 약을 복용하다
Atopic dermatitis patients take medication or apply ointments for treatment.
apply ointment 연고를 바르다
adjust one's lifestyle 생활 습관을 개선하다
They also have to adjust their lifestyle.
require treatment 치료[관리]가 필요하다
it might require treatment for the patient's entire life.
'[자기개발후기] > 01.영어단어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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