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[입트영] 2022년 5월 3일 Key Expressions 본문
[입트영] 2022년 5월 3일 Key Expressions
New Techniques for Studying English 새로운 영어 공부법
▶ Key Expressions
get started with ~을 시작하다, 입문하다
I first got started with "입트영" in April, last year.
So that is how you can get started with creating a lead magnet,
All right, let's get started with Tip #1
retain information 내용을 기억하다
I forgot most of the content after a while, so I wasn't retaining information.
Instead of testing how you take in and retain information,
reality check 현실을 직시하게 하는 것, 현타
The realization was a real reality check
But I want to give you a reality check.
shake up 변화를 주다
I decided to shake up the way I study.
come to learn about ~을 알게 되다
I came to learn about the "입트영" recitation challenge.
get at grasp of ~을 제대로 파악하다, 이해하다
It helped me get a grasp of what my weaknesses were
make up for ~을 보완하다
I could make up for those parts.
improve one's concentration 집중력을 키우다
Studying this way allowed me to improve my concentration compared to my earlier studies.
slip someone's mind 잊혀지다
I could easily remember passages that had slipped my mind before.
boost someone's confidence 자신감을 키우다
That really boosted my confidence.
keep at it 꾸준히 계속하다
I plan to keep at it, studying "입트영" this way.
'[자기개발후기] > 01.영어단어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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