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[입트영] 2022년 5월 18일 Key Expressions 본문
[입트영] 2022년 5월 18일 Key Expressions
Reasons for Drinking Coffee 커피를 마시는 이유
▶ Key Expressions
a cup of joe 커피 한 잔
My parents drink a cup of joe every day.
figure out 이해하다, 파악하다
But I can't figure out why they enjoy such a bitter drink.
try something for oneself 직접 해 보다
I would like to try it for myself,
caffeine content 카페인 함량
give some thought to ~에 대해 고민해 보다
I gave some thought to why grown-ups drink coffee.
distinctive aroma 특유의 향
they drink coffee because of its distinctive aroma.
freshly brewed coffee 갓 내린 커피
I also enjoy the smell of freshly brewed coffee.
what everyone is doing 남들이 모두 하는 것
some people drink coffee just because it's what everyone is doing.
keep going back to 자꾸 찾게 되다
people keep going back to coffee because it's addictive.
drink java 커피를 마시다
she started drinking java long after she became an adult.
wake oneself up 잠을 깨다, 졸음을 쫓다
people drink coffee to wake themselves up.
reach for ~을 찾다, 구하다
Most adults reach for coffee in the morning when they get out of bed,
get out of bed 기상하다
pick-me-up 기운을 내게 해 주는 것, 강장제
be down to ~로 인한 것이다
I think that effect is down to the caffeine in coffee.
'[자기개발후기] > 01.영어단어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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