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[입트영] 2022년 6월 14일 Key Expressions 본문


[입트영] 2022년 6월 14일 Key Expressions

젤리군27 2022. 6. 14. 06:31

[입트영] 2022년 6월 14일 Key Expressions

My Life, 20 Years From Now 20년 뒤 나의 삶 


▶ Key Expressions


aging population 고령화 인구
With an aging population and high turnover rates,

high turnover rate 높은 이직률

give some thought to ~을 고민해 보다
I've started giving some thought to what my life will be like after retirement.

jobs for life 평생직장
The concept of jobs for life is now declining.

voluntary resignation 명예퇴직
Voluntary resignations and early retirement have become quite common.

early retirement 조기 퇴직

in good health 건강한
I would like to remain in good health after I retire.

go for a light hike 가벼운 등산을 하다
I exercise regularly to stay healthy, and I hope to travel and go for light hikes even in my 60s.

laugh it up 마음껏 웃다
And if possible, I'd like to work at second career, laughing it up with coworkers who are in my age group.

in one's age group 비슷한 연령대의

pass the time 시간을 보내다
I am making plans to have a hobby that will help me pass the time after I retire.

take cello lessons 첼로 레슨을 받다 

That's why my plan for this year is to take cello lessons as a hobby.
